Monday, October 11, 2010

Indoor air pollution

It is a fact that common household cleaning products contribute to indoor air pollution. Ammonia and bleach alone are harsh, but combining the two ingredients can be fatal. A lot of traditional cleaning products clean dirt and grease, but leave behind a layer of toxic chemicals. Breathing in or touching these chemicals can cause respiratory problems and skin irritation. Cleaning chemicals have also been linked to cancer. It is in everyone's best interest to switch to non toxic cleaning supplies.

We are proud to call ourselves a green cleaning service. We don't use harsh chemicals to clean our clients' homes. Most of the products we use are from Biokleen. Sometimes we include other non toxic brands like Seventh Generation, Method, and Ecover. Using non toxic cleaning products is the most responsible way to clean that benefits both us and our clients.

I realize that not everyone who reads this page will use our service, but I am hopeful that everyone will make the decision to switch to green/non toxic cleaning supplies.

If your current cleaning service does not provide green cleaning, buying your own cleaning supplies is a great option. Most services are happy to use products that a client provides.

Biokleen supplies are hard to find, but another brand we like is Method. Their cleaning supplies can be found at Target and Whole Foods. Method cleaning products cost about the same or even less than traditional toxic products. Seventh Generation can also be found at most Target stores. Jewel and Dominick's usually carry non toxic cleaning supplies, but they are usually in a different section, which makes them hard to find. has the biggest selection of non toxic cleaning supplies including Biokleen, and they often have awesome discounts.

Other common household air pollutants are air fresheners. Most contain irritating ingredients. A good way to refresh the air in your home is to use 100% soy candles with pure essential oils. You can also burn essential oils in oil burners. AuraCacia is my favorite essential oil brand. They sell all kinds of essential oil products. One of my favorites are their electrical outlet oil warmers. They work just as well as Glade or AirWick, without the fumes. AuraCacia also sell amazing carrier oils that can be used for skincare. My favorite is Organic Jojoba oil. Their products can be found online or at Whole Foods.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


After months of trying different green cleaners, I finally settled on a brand of cleaning products that we will stick to using in the client's homes. The brand is Biokleen. They are a great company with earth friendly products. Visit their web site to learn more.

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